CGPA Calculator – CGPA Converter

Convert CGPA to Percentage and Vice Versa with CGPA Calculator

CGPA To Percentage Calculator

Percentage To CGPA Calculator

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a widely used grading system that provides a standardized measure of a student’s academic performance. It is utilized by various educational boards, including CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education). In this blog post, we will delve into the history, significance, and calculation of CGPA. Additionally, we will explore how you can use a CGPA calculator to convert CGPA to percentage and vice versa.

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a grading system that provides a numerical representation of a student’s overall academic performance. It is an average of grade points earned in various subjects over a specific period, such as a semester or academic year. CGPA simplifies the evaluation process by converting individual subject grades into a standardized scale.

History of CGPA:

The concept of CGPA emerged as an alternative to traditional percentage-based grading systems. It aimed to provide a more comprehensive and holistic assessment of a student’s abilities. CGPA gained popularity in the education sector, especially in schools and colleges that follow international educational standards.

Importance of CGPA:

CGPA offers several advantages over percentage-based grading systems. It takes into account a student’s overall performance rather than focusing solely on individual subject scores. CGPA encourages a comprehensive approach to learning, as it rewards consistent effort and performance across different subjects.

How is CGPA Calculated?

CGPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points obtained in all subjects by the total number of subjects. Each subject is assigned a grade point based on the student’s performance. The CGPA scale typically ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest achievable CGPA.

CGPA Calculation for CBSE:

In CBSE, the CGPA is calculated on a 10-point scale. The grade points are assigned based on the following scale:

GradeGrade Point

To calculate CGPA, add the grade points of all subjects and divide by the total number of subjects.

CGPA Calculation for ICSE:

In ICSE, the CGPA is calculated on a 10-point scale. The grade points are assigned based on the following scale:

Percentage RangeGradeGrade Point
Below 33%E0

To calculate CGPA, add the grade points of all subjects and divide by the total number of subjects.

CGPA to Percentage Conversion:

To convert CGPA to percentage, you can use the following formulas based on the respective board:

For CBSE: Percentage = CGPA * 9.5

For ICSE: Percentage = (CGPA – 0.5) * 10

Multiply the CGPA by the respective conversion factor for CBSE or subtract 0.5 from the CGPA and multiply by 10 for ICSE to obtain the equivalent percentage.

Percentage to CGPA Conversion:

To convert percentage to CGPA, you can use the following formulas:

For CBSE: CGPA = Percentage / 9.5

For ICSE: CGPA = (Percentage / 10) + 0.5

Divide the percentage by the respective conversion factor for CBSE or divide by 10 and add 0.5 for ICSE to obtain the equivalent CGPA.

Advantages of Using a CGPA Calculator:

Using a CGPA calculator can simplify the process of calculating CGPA and percentage. Here are some advantages of utilizing a CGPA calculator tool:

  • Accuracy: A CGPA calculator ensures accurate calculations, reducing the chances of manual errors in determining CGPA and percentage.
  • Time-saving: Instead of manually performing calculations, a calculator tool provides instant results, saving time and effort.
  • Convenience: With a CGPA calculator available online or as a mobile app, you can access it anytime and anywhere, making it convenient for students, parents, and educators.
  • Flexibility: CGPA calculators often include additional features such as grade prediction, subject-wise analysis, and progress tracking, enhancing the overall educational experience.


CGPA plays a vital role in assessing a student’s academic performance in a standardized manner. It provides a comprehensive view of their abilities and achievements across subjects. Understanding the calculation process for CGPA and its conversion to percentage is crucial for students, parents, and educational institutions.

By utilizing a CGPA calculator, you can accurately convert CGPA to percentage and vice versa, ensuring transparency and ease in the evaluation process. Embrace the advantages of technology and leverage CGPA calculator tools to simplify and enhance your academic journey.

Remember, CGPA is not just a number but a reflection of your hard work, dedication, and intellectual growth. Strive for consistent progress and aim to achieve the best possible academic performance.

Keep learning, growing, and reaching new heights with the power of knowledge and the guidance of CGPA evaluation.

Happy calculating!

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