Home » Printer mcq questions with answer – Set 2

Printer mcq questions with answer – Set 2

Important Instructions:

  • Total Number Of Questions : 10
  • Passing Marks : 7
  • Each Question Carry 1 Mark, No Negative Marking.
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  • Best Of Luck…



#1. Which printer is used to print only characters and symbols and cannot print graphics?

#2. Which printers are widely used in fax machines?

#3. What is the print speed of line dot matrix printer?

#4. Which printer spraying fine drops of ink on the paper?

#5. Which printer is used limited to one or a few fonts?

#6. Which port is support for network printer?

#7. Which printer having ethernet port?

#8. Which protocol assigns IP addresses in network printer?

#9. What is the full form of ECU in laser printer?

#10. Which printer is an impact printer?

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