Home » Linux OS mcq questions with answer – Set 5

Linux OS mcq questions with answer – Set 5

Important Instructions:

  • Total Number Of Questions : 10
  • Passing Marks : 7
  • Each Question Carry 1 Mark, No Negative Marking.
  • Do Not Refresh The Page.
  • This Is A FREE Online Test, DO NOT Pay Money To Anyone To Attend This Test.
  • Best Of Luck…



#1. Which of the following commands provides the most information about your motherboard’s features?

#2. Why might you want to partition a hard disk? (Select all that apply.)

Select all that apply:

#3. Which of the following are Linux desktop environments? (Select all that apply.)

Select all that apply:

#4. If you want to enable one Linux computer to access files stored on another Linux computer’s hard disk, which of the following network protocols is the best choice?

#5. In which of the following languages was most of the Linux kernel written?

#6. Which of the following commands would you type to rename newfile.txt to afile.txt?

#7. You type mkdir one/two/three and receive an error message that reads, in part, No such file or directory. What can you do to overcome this problem? (Select all that apply.)

Select all that apply:

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#8. What problem will occur when you attempt to copy these files?

#9. Which of the following commands will print lines from the file world.txt that contain matches to changes and changed?

#10. You’ve received a tar archive called data79.tar from a colleague, but you want to check the names of the files it contains before extracting them. Which of the following commands would you use to do this?

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