Home » HTML mcq questions with answer – Set 4

HTML mcq questions with answer – Set 4

Important Instructions:

  • Total Number Of Questions : 10
  • Passing Marks : 7
  • Each Question Carry 1 Mark, No Negative Marking.
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  • Best Of Luck…



#1. Increasing the cellpadding means

#2. A much better approach to establish the base URL is to use the _________ element.

#3. Which colors consist of equal amounts of all basic colors?

#4. Gif and jpg are the two main types of what?

#5. Any target specified in the BASE element can be overridden on a case-by-case basis by specifying a different targetin different forms

#6. Which of the following HTML 4 attributes is removed in HTML5?

#7. Which of the following element is removed by HTML5?

#8. Which of the following is not a newly added element in HTML5?

#9. __________ defines the accelerator key to be used for keyboard access to an element.

#10. Which of the following element represents the header of a section or the document and contains a label or otherheading information for the related content?

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